What is a Job Letter / Letter of Employment?

A job letter is a document that is provided by the borrower’s employer that lists out the borrower’s position as an employee, their length of employment as well as their income.

How do you get a Job Letter / Letter of Employment?

Reach out to your employer’s HR department or if your company does not have an HR department, request it from a member of the senior leadership team.



  1. Company Letterhead: This includes the company logo (if applicable)
  2. **Company Contact information:**Full address and contact number
  3. **Date:**Ensure that the job letter is up to date. If it is over a month old, the lender may request a newer version.
  4. **Re line:**This line is not mandatory, however, if included, it will reference that it is an employment letter (or job letter) for the respective borrower
  5. **To line:**If there is a specifc individual (broker or lender) that name should be written. Otherwise, it can say “To whom it may concern”
  6. **Borrower’s Position:**The borrower’s (employee) position as well as if their job is full-time, part-time, contact, etc.
  7. **Employment Date:**This is the date that the employee was first hired
  8. **Income:**This line will include the annual income that is earned by the employee, as well as if the income was salary, hourly or commission.Additional forms income, such as a bonus, haveto be listed our on a separate line than the annual income.
  9. **Job Letter Writer’s Signature:**The writer of the job letter will have to sign the document
  10. **Job Letter Writer’s information:**The writer of the job letter must have their full name and title must be included as it is possible that they will be contacted.